Two weeks ago, i woke up to my mother in law in my bedroom. my phone was dead, and the house phone wasn't on due to all the annoying school delay/cancellation phone calls awful weather brings. i can see quite clearly on the news when we are delayed or cancelled, and i don't like the phone waking up the kids if they can get some extra snooze time.
so, the police had been trying to contact me. luckily, one of the officers knew my family and knew to contact my in laws. so i awoke to my mother in law in my bedroom, telling me there had been an accident and my husband was being taken to the ER . i don't know what i expected, but as i drove (i don't recall very much of that 3 a.m. drive) i recall thinking i had better clean off the passenger seat so there would be room for him to ride home. unfortunately, as soon knowas i arrived i was net by a very grave doctor to inform me that my husband had suffered multiple cervical and thoracic fractures hen he hit a downed tree in the snowmobile trail. my husband is paralyzed. I've hardly been home
e in the past 2 weeks. we have been in ICU, and now are in a rehab facility about 2 hours from home. today was supposed to be our first race together and he can't even stand up. amidst all this, i have hope that we will toe the line together next year. i am determined to find time to run, as i know i need it now more than ever. I'm not sure about all the races i signed up for. I'm not even sure how/when i will be ready to return to work myself. this is going to be one hell of a battle.