Sunday, September 16, 2012

Officially a Half-Marathoner!

I was really un-nervous about today's race...the only thing that worried me was my outfit (too hot, too cold?) and I knew I wanted to go slow and steady, and not get caught up in the beginning where I could have easily gone out too fast.  I wish I had an awesome recap story, but I don''s kind of a blur.  My Stitcher app crapped out after the first podcast I listened to, so I focused on my breathing and passing some people who were breathing louder than me...and finally around mile 5 (when I sort of was thinking of peeing in a cornfield, behind a bush, around a fence) I had to do something to distract myself, so I pulled out my phone and when I couldn't get stitcher to respond at all I just put it on the radio.  That helped some, but really all I could think about was peeing the second half of the race.  Probably because I knew it was not going to be easy, since I decided on my full-length light weight tights and not a running skirt (temp-wise it ended up being the perfect choice...but I have not mastered the quick squat and pee so no one sees your bum with out the skirt to help hide it for me!)  I did not pee my pants or anywhere on the course, but I can't really remember many highlights. 

Some fun swag in the bag...cute running-theme chocolates!  How have I not opened them yet?  So unlike me!
The race was super well organized, the bag of swag was cute (the tech shirts are beautiful!) and I found some friends from work to start the race with (they all finished ahead of me, but I'm not sad about it, because I'm a Half Marathoner now!!!!)  I went in with a goal of beating 2:30, knowing there were some hills on this course, and also that I haven't run that far, let alone with out walk breaks.  I gave myself permission to walk if need be, but I only ended up walking the water stops (with the temps being around 45-50 degrees, I didn't want to spill on myself like I usually do, I was chilly, but in that just-right kind of way)  I finished in 2:16:27 well under my goal time! My family showed up at the end (beeping at me as they drove to the park, after I did the last long hill on mile 12) and then met me at the finish when I got my bling.  I didn't think DH would really get them out the door to come see me, but he did and it was great to have hugs from my boys at the end, and have them all tell me how proud they were of me.  DH even complemented me on my time and chatted with my friends for a while before they took off.  I hung around for results and food (at first, my tummy was not too happy with me, but finally it settled down and I had something to eat) and there was a drawing, where I ended up winning a pizza gift card.  Awesome!

My favorite moment, besides seeing my family show up, I think would have to be the firefighters at every intersection (some looped around so I saw some of the same guys two or three times) and the volunteers who went around the course either by car or by bike and stopped to cheer every couple of miles.  They were just the boost I needed, when I saw them!  So nice!  I also got a huge kick out of someone who kept yelling: "Go One-Thirteen!" and I almost corrected them the second time (um...thanks, but a half is Thirteen-One!") Then I realized he was shouting my number: 113!

A fitting number for my first half marathon, and my first bling!  Yeay!
So I had a great run, I finished well under my goal, but I believe I left room for improvement on my "real" first half in two weeks.  I'm not sure how much I will be out this week running...I have a 5k next weekend in my childhood home town to support the local library.  I will definitely take tomorrow off, but I'm looking forward to getting back out there!  I also might have to go shoe shopping this week, since my new shoes were such a bust.  I ran the race in my old ones, which were fine-ish, but I can feel my back and knees in that way I feel it when I need more cushioning in my shoe.
Today: 13.1
Week: 13.1
September: 39.1


  1. WAY TO GO, GIRL! Yes, you are officially a half marathoner and what a great time too! Truly inspiring!

    And yeah, how did you not eat those chocolates ASAP?

  2. Yeay! Thanks! The survival of the chocolates were a mystery to me. I did inhale them all at once on Wednesday, however, as consolation when my run didn't go so well. I had been hoping for peanut butter in that sneaker, but no such luck. Plain chocolate. :)
