Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 6 and 7: End of week 1

Yesterday I took a rest day.  I hadn't planned on it, but I woke up late when my husband came in to kiss me goodbye before going to play golf, I realized I had missed my small window of opportunity for 3 miles when I failed to set my alarm the night before.  I could have hit the treadmill, but it's so painful to run there anyway, but when it's sunny out?  Insult to injury.  I sucked it up and spent the day organizing/cleaning the kitchen.  It's a little better in there, and I had plenty of room to make a great dinner last night (Husband helped on the grill...he's the master of the charcoal.) so it was all good.  I was still pretty sore yesterday from the strides-or-whatever-you-call-them I did on Thursday.  It was so super hot by mid day yesterday that well before he got home, I had decided that I just wasn't going out to run.  So there.  We did go swimming last night, which is more me hanging around in the pool hawk-eyeing my new swimmers to make sure they don't drown.  I'm not much of a swimmer anyway.  I have a couple friends who are triatheletes, and I really really used to love riding my bike.  (Um.  I don't have it anymore) but I just don't swim.  I took lessons briefly when I was in middle school before my parents took us to Florida for vacation.  They wanted to make sure we had some sort of lessons before we stepped in the ocean.  I can breast stroke.  I can back stroke.  I can swim underwater...but I have an awful time with the crawl.  I feel so awkward and gangly.  One goal at a time, right?

Anyway, last night I set my alarm for 5:30, so I could hit the road by 6.  Good plan.  Except my alarm on my phone was still set to ring at 4:00 from last Sunday's race.  Whoops.  I hit snooze 3 times before I realized what time it was and I still had an hour to sleep...which meant I hardly went back to sleep at all.  Bummer.  I finally dragged my butt out the door after I ate an uber bar (apple turnover!) coated in some chia seed (weird I know...I'm still trying to figure the best way to work them in my diet) and some water.  I fed the dog and shut her in the bedroom with the hubby so she wouldn't bark after me and wake the kids.  Set my Stitcher radio to Run Like a Mother the Podcast and headed out the door.  It's pretty humid out there this morning, but not awful.  I did my 5 mile out and back (I think...for some reason I had a brain fart out there and couldn't remember my exact turn around I measured out and wasn't sure if I should keep running or turn around.  Turn around won:  I started thinking about coffee.)  I'm thinking about it now, and I'm pretty sure it's closer to 5 miles than 4 so that's what I'm recording.  I should probably check it with the usaatf website, but I don't feel like it, just in case it wasn't far enough.  I ran for 55 minutes so it should be pretty close. 

The podcast was good, it was about yoga and running and it reminded me that I should try to fit a yoga class in while the kids are at summer rec, since I can.  Also, I'm pretty sure I have prepaid classes on my card at the studio, and I'm hoping it's been less than 6 months since I've been so I don't have to pay for any more!  I'm heading over to the website to pick a class and make it a me-date this week.  There's not many class-type-things I can get to during the year for myself.  My Tuesday night runs with the club are going by the wayside in August because my fall semester class starts, and it's on Tuesday nights. 

After Run Like a Mother was over, I switched over to NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, which I love.  I used to listen to it in my classroom years ago when my teaching schedule gave me both first and second period off.  That was pretty much the only highlight of that schedule...I had breakfast duty that year and was pregnant, so double breakfast managed to pack 45 lbs on to my body that year. Ugh.  Then I taught straight through to the end of the day, minus my lunch.  Anyway, I found it on stitcher a few weeks ago, and since my regular runs are longer than 25 minutes, I've been using it to keep me going.  Unfortunately this weeks was so funny to me (maybe lack of sleep, maybe it was just funny) I was laughing so hard at a couple points I had to stop running to catch my breath before I could keep going.  I might have to find another sports-related podcast in the future!

Tomorrow's plan is undecided as of yet.  I need to really sit down with my 2 or 3 plans and figure out which elements I want to use from each one and really map out the rest of my training plan.  Also if I'm serious about doing the local half I need to actually determine is it 2 weeks before the one I'm already committed to, or is that my faulty memory....and do I have enough time to be ready to do 13.1 at that point and then recover for the second one.

On a super-happy-but-broke-me note:  The Bia Sport watch was funded.  I had started by pledging 40$ for the shirt, then decided I needed the watch, then upgraded to the watch plus GPS go stick, then added the shirt too, with the second band.  Yikes.  Almost 300$ for something I'm not really going to see until April (oh how I hope it's everything I dream it is!) 

This week's total:  5 miles (give or take...)
July:  36.6

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