Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Track" Tuesday

Set my app to a 'track' workout.  The local track at the school is being used for summer camp work outs, so I'm too embarrassed to head over there to do a speed work out (I don't like people to see me stop and walk, even if it's part of my plan!)  Hence the 'track'.  I set the app to tell me to run for quarter mile, then walk for 1, six times.  I headed out for the first minute, jogging for a warm up, then heard her ( I should give her a name..she sounds like a Kim maybe...RunKeeper Kim ?) tell me to run for 1/4 mile.  OK, go!  I did that, but missed her telling me to walk.  I knew when I looked at my watch and I had been running for 4 minutes that I missed it.  Also, I was just on the road near my house, and I know approximately where I hit a half mile, mile, etc.  So I walked.  and walked.  and walked.  Finally she told me to walk for one minute.  Crap.  I gave up, reset the work out and made sure the volume was WAY up.  Ta-dah!  It worked!  My phone was on my back in my spibelt and I could still hear it.  The app helped me focus less on how long/far I was running, and more on just running.  I thought I had one more 400 to do, but I wasn't sure, I thought maybe I was done...I was so happy to hear Kim tell me the workout was over.  Not because it was awful, but because it was over so quickly (not really, but much quicker than last time, even though I repeated a shorter distance) and I really felt great!  I walked for a minute then ran slow back to the house...so I calculated I ran 3.2 miles today, with just 6 minutes of it walking. Before I knew it, my second stride workout complete.  I might still run with the running club tonight, and just take it easy.  I'm not sure...we'll see how I feel tonight.  I didn't go last week it was so crazy hot and I missed seeing everyone.

Today: 3.2
This week: 6.7
July: 54.9

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